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Latest From Our Blog

Welcome to the Mile West Consulting blog. The purpose of our blog is to provide quick, easy bits of information for you, the business owner. Articles will cover a variety of issues and topics, all with a human resource management flavour. We hope that you find the information within these posts useful and relevant. As always, touch base if you’d like to connect regarding any HR issues or challenges that your organization is facing.

The Year Behind Us and The Year Ahead

The Year Behind Us and The Year Ahead

Since this is our last blog post of the year, we thought that it would be appropriate to take a look back at 2021 and also a look ahead to 2022. At the end of 2020, the assumption was that we were going to soon be coming out on the other side of the COVID-19 pandemic....

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HR Data

HR Data

The term “data” is likely enough to make most people cringe. What we’ll be chatting about in this blog isn’t anything overly complicated and won’t be related to “big” data. As should be the case with data, it’s about using information that you have to make better...

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For a free consultation and to discuss how we can assist you, please email us today.

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We are located in Warman, Saskatchewan and would be happy to come to you. If you would like to send us a comment or question please fill out the form below.

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